Wednesday 6 October 2010

We have our cast!

I'm delighted to report that our cast has been finalised. This fabulous collection of talent includes four girls and three men:
  • Charlotte Couture
  • Abigail Dennington-Price
  • Angela Rowe
  • Gill Tichbourne
  • Trevor Burton
  • Huw Jones
  • Rob Tiffen
with Selwyn Tillett at the piano (making the occasional contribution), Mike 'Tinks' Carson masterminding backstage, and Rudy Lapeer on choreography. Wonderful.

Initial meeting this Sunday, 10th November October*; music rehearsals between the end of November and mid-December, and serious rehearsals and staging starting very early in January.

Thanks loads to everybody who has supported, auditioned, suggested possible performers - and, of course, to the lovely folks who have agreed to take part. We can't wait to begin!

*thank you, Trevor, for spotting my imbecility. The folly of enthusiasm.